Emergency HIV-Prevention Medication PEP | Safe Prescription at HIV Specialist Clinic

公開:2024.03.25 /

Emergency HIV-Prevention Medication PEP | Safe Prescription at HIV Specialist Clinic

About Our Clinic

Clinic for diagnosis and treatment of HIV patients

Our clinic is one of the limited medical institutions designated by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government that actually treats individuals who are HIV positive. Diagnosing and treating HIV requires advanced specialized knowledge, which we apply according to Japanese guidelines by certified AIDS physicians.

Supervised by a renowned specialist

The clinic is supervised by Dr. Akihiro Sato, an infectious disease specialist who has appeared on more than 100 Japanese TV shows.

Convenient locations

The Shibuya clinic is right by the famous scramble crossing, and the Gotanda clinic is just a 1-minute walk from the station.

Online consultation & prescription

If you can not visit one of the clinics immediately, you can get a first consultation with your smartphone, and then receive medications at the clinic. *Shipping only within Japan

Supervising Doctor

Dr. Akihiro Sato

Chief physician at KARADA Internal Medicine Clinic. Doctor of Medicine. Specialist in infectious diseases from the Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases. As a general practitioner, he provides a wide range of general medical services and, as an infectious disease specialist, treats HIV infections, tuberculosis, malaria, and more, in addition to intensive care, hospital infection control, and vaccine treatment. Specializes in sexually transmitted infections (STI testing), and has participated in writing the Tokyo Infectious Diseases Manual 2018. Former chief of the Department of Infectious Diseases at Tokyo Medical University Hospital and head of the Infection Control Department at Tokyo Medical University Ibaraki Medical Center.

▼Dr. Sato giving a lecture on PrEP at Tokyo Rainbow Pride

Post-intercourse HIV prevention

About post-exposure prophylaxis

PEP Process


It’s crucial to consult (either at the clinic or online) as soon as possible after potential exposure. You can make an appointment at the clinic from the menu below.


On the day of the

  • Questionnaire
  • Blood test (HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B & C, kidney function)*
  • Prescription & start of HIV-prevention medication
    *Same-day-result test option for HIV, syphilis, and hepatitis B available free of charge

1-3 days later

Check test results via the app (Detailed blood test results from the first visit)


4 weeks later

  • Second visit to check possible side effects
  • Blood test (HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B & C, kidney function)*
    *Same-day-result test option for HIV, syphilis, and hepatitis B available free of charge
  • Detailed blood test results can be checked on the app at a later date

PEP Costs

Consultation fees are included

Generic Drugs


80,000 yen (tax incl.)

What’s included

  • 30-day supply of prescription medication
  • 2 kits to test HIV*, syphilis*, hepatitis B*, hepatitis C, and kidney function
    *Same-day-result test option available free of charge
    *Same-day-result tests are not available for syphilis if you have been infected before

Brand-Name Drugs


290,000 yen (tax incl.)

What’s included

  • 30-day supply of prescription medication
  • 2 kits to test HIV*, syphilis*, hepatitis B*, hepatitis C, and kidney function
    *Same-day-result test option available free of charge
    *Same-day-result tests are not available for syphilis if you have been infected before

Additional Tests


4,400 yen (tax included)


  • Tests for gonorrhea and chlamydia
    You can choose up to three options between urine/vaginal, throat, or anal for the same price

About the Medication

Brand-Name Drugs:
Descovy & Isentress or Tivicay

Generic Drugs:

How to make a reservation

Start with making an appointment

Reach out to us

Frequently Asked Questions

When should I consider taking PEP?

You should consider PEP if you have been exposed to the bodily fluids (such as semen, vaginal fluids, blood, etc.) of an HIV-positive person, or even when you’re not able to rule that possibility out. If you’re not sure about the HIV status of your partner, it’s best to make a decision based on the activity and possible exposure you had, so please consult with a specialist at KARADA Internal Medicine Clinic. Here is a list of possible exposures, from higher to lower risk of HIV transmission: receptive anal intercourse > insertive anal intercourse > receptive penile-vaginal intercourse > insertive penile-vaginal intercourse > oral intercourse.
[Source] http://www.cdc.gov/hiv/policies/law/risk.html

Is PEP ineffective if taken more than 72 hours after exposure?

While there is no clear research data answering this question, studies have shown that the probability of success in preventing infection decreases over time. Therefore, it is extremely important to start taking the medication as soon as possible. Preventing infection is crucial, as there are currently no medications available to cure HIV. Chances are you are now reading this because you feel at risk; please note that this is the only treatment currently recommended by medical professionals. Although the medication is expensive and its effectiveness may decrease over time, it might be your only option for preventing infection, you can consult with a specialist at our clinic before starting the actual treatment, so please reach out to us.

Does PEP work all the time?

Although limited to reports within certain occupations in the US, there have been no cases of HIV infection established after the introduction of PEP treatment since 1999, except for one single case (details unclear, under special circumstances). Similarly, in the UK, there have been no reports of infection during the same period. Considering there were hundreds of confirmed and suspected cases of infection before, one can get an idea about the effectiveness of this treatment.

Are there any precautions for taking this medication?

Individuals infected with the hepatitis B virus may experience worsening of hepatitis B if they stop taking this medication. If you have hepatitis B, please consult with a specialist at KARADA Internal Medicine Clinic. Additionally, it is crucial to check whether you are not already infected with HIV before starting PEP, as it could impact your future HIV treatment.

What is the difference between generic and brand-name drugs? Are generics safe?

Generic drugs generally contain the same active ingredients as new drugs. New drugs require significant investment in research and development and are priced to cover these costs, along with a period for evaluating efficacy and safety after release. On the other hand, the development costs for generic drugs are said to be about 1% to 1‰, allowing them to be offered at a lower price but with the same effectiveness. However, you should be aware that Japan’s Relief System for Health Injuries does not cover any side effects that may occur from imported PEP/PrEP generic drugs.

Why is blood testing necessary?

Confirming HIV infection
It is necessary to rule out the possibility of already being infected before starting treatment. While PEP and Prep are preventive measures, they are not effective for HIV-positive patients, who need to undergo a different treatment. Furthermore, taking PrEP or PEP while being unknowingly HIV-infected can increase the likelihood of creating a virus that is resistant to future medication.

Possible side effects
It is also necessary to check kidney function before starting medication. It’s important to assess whether undergoing treatment is safe and whether there are (although rare) any kidney function impairments after starting medication.

Merit #1

All you need is a smartphone. No need to register for any app or visit the clinic.

Merit #2

Tests and medications will be delivered to your home.
*Shipping only within Japan

This page explains the procedures for online consultation for HIV prevention medication (PEP & PrEP). Please note that there will be a separate shipping fee of approximately 730 yen for delivery

Step 1:
Book an Online Consultation

First, book an online consultation as follows:

●Click the following link

● Choose your preferred clinic

● Select “make an appointment in English” & “PEP:Online ” from the menu

●Choose a convenient date and time
*Note that the last shipping is in the late afternoon. If you’re in a hurry, please schedule your consultation for the morning.

Step 2:
Register Credit Card

After entering your reservation information, register your credit card.

Step 3:
Answer the Questionnaire

Continue to answer the questionnaire and enter your delivery address.
*If you forgot to take the questionnaire, you access it later via the link in the reservation confirmation message sent to you on LINE.

Step 4:

Online consultations are held via video call.

●On iPhone


●On Android

Join via the URL sent via SMS
*If your connection is unstable, we can conduct the consultation over the phone.

Step 5:
Receive the Test Kit
and Medication

●The test kit and medication will be delivered to your address

●Check the method for home testing (collection & result verification) and take the test

You can refer to this video.

*In the unlikely event of a positive result, please consult the clinic again.

Step 6:
Start Medication


KARADA内科クリニック 五反田

院長 佐藤 昭裕



-著書『感染症専門医が普段やっている 感染症自衛マニュアル』
●日本テレビ スッキリに感染症専門家として毎週出演中 ●Yahoo!ニュース公式コメンテーター


  • 医学博士
  • 日本感染症学会専門医・指導医
  • 日本内科学会認定医
  • 日本化学療法学会抗菌化学療法認定医・指導医
  • 日本感染症学会推薦 ICD(Infection control doctor)
  • 日本エイズ学会認定医
  • 日本医師会認定産業医
  • 臨床研修指導医(厚生労働省)
  • 身体障害者福祉法指定医(免疫機能障害)

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